

Shop Companion

Access to full-resolution product images and videos on various shopping sites is easy with this add-on. It adds links to the largest/xxl/best-size version of product images on various shoppings sites.

Open-source code on github.com/ShopCompanion

1 位用户



评分5星,满分5星 (107)
1 位用户

Caret Out 需要重开


评分5星,满分5星 (4)
0 位用户

About Startup

Displays startup timings

评分4星,满分5星 (14)
0 位用户

pkrss 需要重开

pkrss is one rss tools, it embed http://www.pk17s.cn
contact with google rss feed,join in multi lanauage support,if default panel has no feed,your can search some feed by keyword in topbar.

评分2星,满分5星 (4)
0 位用户

WDownloader WGrabber

WDownloader plugin for Firefox

评分5星,满分5星 (1)
0 位用户

ePhotoUploader 需要重开

ePhoto Uploader is a Mozilla/Firefox addon to allow you to upload any image on websites you're browsing to your ePhotoBay account by just one click. For the addon to work a free ePhotoBay account is required.

评分1星,满分5星 (2)
0 位用户

SanRockstar 需要重开


评分5星,满分5星 (3)
0 位用户

Safe for Amoled

Darkens the background of the page

评分3星,满分5星 (19)
0 位用户

The Book of Mozilla, 15:1 in Japanese

The Book of Mozilla, 15:1 in Japanese

0 位用户

ArsTechnica Single Page Article

Shows a single page containing the whole multi page article.

评分5星,满分5星 (4)
0 位用户

Clickbank Search

This extension is the most advanced tool to reach Clickbank Store with ease get your to favorite products.If you right-click on some selected text, then it will give an option to search the selected text.

0 位用户

elevenia 需要重开

Instant access to your online shopping paradise. The more transaction you've made from our extension, the more point-cashback you'll get!

评分5星,满分5星 (2)
0 位用户


Displays latest ksbtehchies News in a popup widget
Get all the Latest ksbtehchies News headline with a single click.

Opens a popup widget with the latest news headlines.

0 位用户

شارك وإربح

شارك أى رابط أو فيديو على الفيس بوك وتويتر .... إلخ وإربح المال فى 3 نقرات فقط
ستربح المال لمجرد مشاركتك الروابط على الشبكات الإجتماعية والمنتديات

تعتبر هذه الاضافة - أسرع وأسهل طريقة للربح من الانترنت

0 位用户

Crash Me Now! (Simple)

Crash yourself with ease

评分5星,满分5星 (2)
0 位用户


Prevent accidental interaction with tab contents

评分5星,满分5星 (1)
0 位用户