評分: 3 / 5 顆星

Adds a small context menu at the right bottom corner of Mozilla Firefox and enables easy options between some basic currencies. It currently supports conversion between

* USD United States Dollar
* JPY Japanese Yen
* EUR Euro
* CAD Canadian Dollar
* GBP British Pounds
* BRL Brazil Real
* AUD Australian Dollar
* CHF Swiss Franc
* CNY Chinese Yuan
* DKK Danish Krone
* KRW South Korean Won
* HUF Hungarian Forint
* NOK Norwegian Krone
* SKK Slovak Koruna
* SIT Slovenian Tolar
* SEK Swedish Krona
* PLN Polish Zloty

Updates every 15 minutes or by left-clicking on the menu on the status bar. Great!!

此意見為舊版本 (0.1.2) 的附加元件。