評分: 4 / 5 顆星

Just downloaded it a couple of hours ago. It is working almost perfectly. The only fault I see is when new subfolders are created they don't appear as subfolders in quickfolders when trying to drag message into them. Have to drag them into the Thunderbird folder pane. Don't know if the problem is with quickfilters or quickfolders since quickfolders has had a few updates since the last time I dragged messages into newly created folders.

Small fault only - Love the extension.

此意見為舊版本 (0.9) 的附加元件。 

.. but yay for the first review! :-)

Note that at the moment _quickFilters_ assistant detects drags into the folder pane, whereas the filter assistant of _QuickFolders_ detects the drag operation into the QuickFolders tabs; although they look similar, and have mostly the same code base there is actually a fundamental difference, but hopefully these will grow together in the future. If you want to explain better what you mean with the "new subfoldersfolder not appearing in QuickFolders", can you please contact me via the support link on the QuickFolders support options dialog?

thanks for the first 4star rating!!