開發者 Paul Schmiedge 回覆
評分: 4 / 5 顆星
It's a good start, but the following words are missing. Thank you Creator:
toonie - 2 dollar coin
touque is the proper spelling for winter hat
Humidex - What the weather feels like
Eavestrough - roof gutter- it's one word
Parkade - a building where you park your car that spirals upwards.
Metre - Canadian Metric measurement, also to save space. mm, cm, dm, m, km - Meter is the US way.
mickie - 375mm bottle of liquor
soaker - foot ware being wet from something while you are wearing it.
I could go on, but these are pretty common ones. Keep Up the Good Work!
Thanks for the review - I've added most of your suggestions to the next release. Metre was already present - please send me an email if you still have trouble with that one.
I do have to disagree with one suggestion - 375mL of liquor is actually a "mickey" according to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary.
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