名称 | jrhd437 |
注册时间 | March 29, 2013 |
开发的附加组件数量 | 4 个主题 |
开发的附加组件平均得分 | 评分5星,满分5星 |
A love of grunge, guns, graphics and God. ... and of course, FireFox, the world's best browser.

Blu Moon
This "Blu Moon" persona is crystal clear and subtle. It is great for those who love to look up.

Dream of Waves
A subtle gradient of colors lighten up your browsing environment and keep you going. If your tired of mundane and drab, this is the persona for you.

Another Dream
A less subtle "Dream" comes in this persona. It is vibrant and lively! Spark up the world's best browser with this persona!

Lollipop Road
This persona is gentle transition of colors on a gradient that reminds me of an isle of lollipops. This gradient will not fight for focus against Firefox elements or web pages.
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