Pierre 83


名称 Pierre 83
位置 France
职业 Professeur
注册时间 Oct. 31, 2023
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Filter Button


Almost good but not quite good enough

It lacks

1°/ a global management of addresses that allows you to modify existing addresses; I haven't found how to delete an address that has been declared undesirable by mistake, nor how to modify when the task needs to be done (see Outlook's Kutools)

2°/ It's not possible, as with Kutools de outlook, to declare an address undesirable with a single click - you have to go to a dialogue box, which is tedious.

It's nice that it's free, but I prefer to pay and have a complete and practical product.