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Love it. Been using this theme for a long time now (since 2008) and every time I think about changing I always end up back on this one.

评分5星,满分5星John Roepke 发表于 April 9, 2014

As xletifon, I always finish by coming back to "viva fox". I use it since two years.

评分5星,满分5星Reiv 发表于 Jan. 18, 2012

Been hooked on this little fella since I first downloaded personas. Always wind up adding about a zillion others, but always wind up using this as my all-time favourite default. So yyyeah, I am kind of a dork. ;^) ;^) Great design's great design, and that's that. Many thanks. ^.^

评分5星,满分5星xeltifon 发表于 Dec. 10, 2010

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