对 Gruvbox Dark Thunderbird 的评价
这个附加组件有 13 条评价
Simply the best theme for Thunderbird.
Really good. Better for the eyes.
Much easier on the eyes than the default dark theme in TB 115.
Very appealing and go easy for the eyes :)
Dark themes tend to be the preference for those of us who write code in a cave. This one works well for Thunderbird as it keeps the light background for emails, which is better for those sent by the majority who don't think about such things.
The use of orange and light brown tones is nice on the eyes... :)
J'apprécie le fond noir, qui repose les yeux, mais j'aimerais choisir une autre couleur que le bleu pour la surbrillance... car je n'aime pas le bleu !
Je ne trouve pas d'option pour changer en beige par exemple :D
Merci bonne continuations !
Een van de mooiste die ik reeds gehad heb en zal dat lang blijven, rustgevend voor de ogen met duidelijke windows scheidingen.
这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(1.3)。 对这个附加组件,此用户曾发表过1个评价。评分5星,满分5星
nice dark theme.
I hope the line is red, tho
It changes the color throughout the whole page view! This is great. More Themes should do this.
Very nice & easy on the eyes! And little if any BLUE.
One minor issue: When Quick Filter is active, the buttons for Sender, Recipient, Subject and Body do not remain highlighted after being toggled on.
Aside from that FIVE STARS!
Thanks for the review and finding the issue with the Quick Filter toolbar! Should be fixed in the next update (v1.3). It will be live as soon as it is approved!
Nice darker and calm for your eyes
I like it, makes viewing the conveluted overview of all inboxes a bit more relaxed.
Looks great.
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