

名称 Bebo10only
注册时间 July 18, 2012
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


The great people of Egypt continue (08/2013) to show the whole world how to defy and fight terrorism preformed by their country's armed forces.

The current government is imposing a curfew, allowing the armed forces to shoot the peaceful demonstrators on sight, and then calls the shot dead terrorists.

This defies common sense, they are labeling the opposer's to the military coup as terrorists.

The terrorists DOES NOT protest against something they do not like, the terrorists kill on sight, and/or plant bombs to kill the mass.

The millions of Egyptians that protest peacefully and unarmed are not terrorists, the armed forces are.

They are abusing their rights to bear arms, they have that right only to protect the people and country, not to use it to kill their own people, by killing their own people, they have lost the right to be armed, and should be labeled TERRORISTS.




Superb and cool, love the re-load function, I hate it when I have to re-click 12 times on a connection failure, excellent add-on, thanks developer.


Speed Dial


This is the best dial for Firefox (I have 374 dials in 11 groups), fully customizable and full of excellent features (Create groups, colorize you group tabs, different background for each group, and lots more) but the thing that makes it the best is not all these features only.

It's the ONLY dial that allows you to import/export your settings and dials, so you can install it on any computer, do an import of your settings and dials, and you are good to go, FURTHER MORE, it does interval backups of settings & dials on it's own, nothing beats that dial for me!

Thank you developer, keep it up, I love this dial.


Alfanous Search


Jazak Allah Khiran for this excellent add-on, insha Allah it's in your good deeds.

Thank you for your great efforts.


Holy Quran Search


Jazak Allah Khiran for this excellent add-on, insha Allah it's in your good deeds.

Suggestion: Can you make a search engine to the Sunnah page too, ( ) it would be excellent to have that too, thank you for your great efforts.

NewScrollbars [Tb 10-56] (discontinued)


Can you add a choice to randomly change scroll bars on new tabs too? It will definitely be great if you can, thanks for your efforts!

I tried the test build (scrollbars_test.xpi), and you are right, it's very unstable as it did work, but changes colors within the page when I scroll up or down, and it also removed my customized bar, when I removed it, the bar re-appeared, so I will stick with this version until that new one is stable enough, again thank you for your reply and efforts.

这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(。  对这个附加组件,此用户曾发表过1个评价



Works fine on Firefox, but doesn't work on SeaMonkey. I have tried both versions (this and the 1.x beta) on it and the icon is always gray on every site, please check it out as it an indispensable tool for me, thank you.

*** UPDATE ***
I managed to get the beta v. 1.0.0b3 working after playing around with the settings, but the new interface is a big change, and needs some time to get used to, anyway, great job, thank you.




This doesn't work on SeaMonkey, the context menu options are there, but when I click re-pagination the page starts to reload and does nothing else for a while until I left click the next button and it goes the next page! Any idea why it does that and how to fix it?


NewScrollbars [Tb 10-56] (discontinued)


The perfect companion for the Noia 4 theme, thank you for a wonderful creative job on both.

I went ahead and installed it on Firefox 16 as you recommended on the Noia 4 theme feedback reply and it works but I can only change the scroll bars manually, it doesn't randomly change them even when it's marked to do so, any idea on how to work around this?


Never mind, it started randomizing on restart, and new sessions.




Works fine on 15.0.1 and looks great, few readings and you can master it in no time.


Free Download Manager plugin


I have been using FDM for over 8 years now, tried all other download managers (free & paid for) and nothing comes close to this great one. The problem is that every time Firefox is updated, they make FDM obsolete, and you will not be able to use it with FF, why? No idea. Right now I had to switch back from v15 to v14 to be able to continue using FDM.

** I have just learned (from FDM forum) that in order to continue using FDM with the latest Firefox version, the plug in MUST BE MANUALLY UPDATED FROM THIS SITE! **
