Eric H. Jung


名称 Eric H. Jung
位置 Boston, USA
注册时间 March 5, 2007
开发的附加组件数量 1 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 评分4星,满分5星


PasswordMaker 需要重开

One Password To Rule Them All!

评分4星,满分5星 (56)
0 位用户


Right Links


Also try InstaClick at It opens links in new tabs with right-click. No configuration necessary.


Developer Assistant


I've been using this extension for years now and am glad to finally see Ted finally moved it to AMO.

This extension is an extension developer's best friend. If you're an extension developer, this extension is a MUST-HAVE.

The JS shell (by Jesse Ruderman; included as one of several tools in this extension) with chrome privileges is essential to smooth extension development.

The "Enable Debugging Preferences" makes it a snap to configure new profiles for development; no need to remember javascript.options.showInConsole, disable XUL caching, and associated friends.

The real-time XUL editor makes screen prototyping dead easy. It's also great for sharing/debugging XUL with colleagues over email or pastebins.

The other tools are: an extension builder wizard, javascript environment, javascript injector, real-time HTML editor, regular expression evaluator, and an XPath evaulator.

Ted really needs to be commended for bundling these tools and maintaining this extension. There would be far fewer Firefox extensions -- and buggy ones -- if this extension didn't exist.




For a first release, this is a slick, bug-free extension. It has enormous potential. I wish this had a social networking component to it; i.e., a way to "share" graffiti. Sharing by group would be neat, too, so I could share graffiti with my friends (and they with me). Alternatively, I could view "public" graffiti not in a group.

Obviously, more advanced painting would be nice, too, like the ability to spray font-based text. I'm sure you've thought of this and maybe
even are planning it for a future release. You could go nuts and replicate some of the basic drawing features of desktop painting software (shapes, lines, custom brushes, etc).

Great job! Hope this gets out of the sandbox! Looking forward to more features.