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作者: TheFinnishGuy

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Deloitte 2

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作者: eschrunk

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Regional Minang 3

作者: franniQo

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作者: TheFinnishGuy

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Jesus Light of the world Light

作者: Holscher

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Pater noster

作者: Holscher

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Mahagoni Wood

作者: Holscher

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He is not the way, or the light, or whatever else, because in order to do that, you'd have to exist. Besides that, this is just ugly. You could literally choose from millions of fonts, but you chose one of the most boring ones that exists. You slapped it on a lit up cross. This isn't art, it's just lame.

评分1星,满分5星The Cat From Outer Space 发表于 Jan. 26, 2016

he is THE WAY

评分5星,满分5星Bug Begone 1214 发表于 Dec. 14, 2012

Very true, and excellently designed.

评分4星,满分5星CollieSmile 发表于 March 26, 2012

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