Rated 5 out of 5 stars

works without problems:
TB 78.4.2 / Provider f CaldavCardDav 1.24 / TBSYNC 2.19 / Provider f Exchange 1.20 / Windows10 64bit

Syncinc multiple Accounts - Exchange and mainly Google.

Just to prevent further confusion -
- can you please explain why Google is no longer officially supported and what this can mean for the future? As there must be millions of users using thunderbird to sync google contacts + calendars.
What is actually going on and why is support being debricated? please explain. many thanks, until now however the addons work like a charm.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (1.24).  This user has 2 previous reviews of this add-on.
