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Tên k3tonan
Địa điểm Nashville, TN
Nghề nghiệp Technical Support Sr. Associate
Người dùng kể từ Tháng ba 5, 2007
Số tiện ích được phát triển 0 add-ons
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Rated 3 out of 5 stars

I access numerous sites well in the hundreds on a daily basis and while this may be useful if you only access a limited number regularly it's definitely not for the masses. I am constantly finding my self allowing access to external sites to allow the site to display images, css scripts, etc. to allow the page to display correctly, etc.

This definitely could use fine tuning.

Now this would be beneficial
1. Allowing IP ranges with wildcards, like 94.100.111.* - 94.100.300.*"
2. Blacklist instead. I find my self wanting to black list sites far less than whitelisting. Here is a good example of sites that require to much to figure out what is what: http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/2450216 and which policy to set. It would be easier to "Allow from site.com" and then go back and select specific sites to blacklist instead or the option to continue to whitelist individual if one prefers.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (  This user has a previous review of this add-on.


Rated 2 out of 5 stars

I have been using this for sometime and I do love it. However, I am starting to find it cumbersome for some sites; i.e pinterest.

For this site to work and not having to accept a request policy for each redirect back to an image one has to just select "Allow requests from [the current site]" vs "Allow requests from [the current site] to [the other site]". What would be nice is to select "Allow requests from [the current site]" but on all the sites that have been allowed be able to go back and select specific ones like the google-anallytics and choose "Forbid requests to [the other site]"

any possibilities or am I missing something?

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích ( 

IE Tab Plus (FF 3.6+)

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

To clarify everything up about IE Tab. extensions read the following:

NOTE: THER IS NO IE Tab 2 or a reference to a add-on as reviewer "RJ" mentions. Although I am assuming he ment IE Tab V2. (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab/reviews/328608/)

• IE Tab Plus (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab-plus-ff-36) lays claim to Coral IE Tab and the Origional IE Tab. Unfortunately for them I can not find proof dating back 6 years ago like you will see with IE Tab by PCMan & yuoo2k via the source code history and even Googling it. Now this IE Tab Plus author "quaful" does appear to be the correct account holder and author which is reflective in Googling and his coralietab..mozdev.org site by viewing the source code history but it only goes back to 2009 matching the account holders account activation date. According to the FAQ sheet this once if still not today contains the SPYWARE "Window Shopper".
Also not seeing the proof of 5 million downloads!

• IE Tab (THE ORIGIONAL IE TAB) by PCMan, yuoo2k (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/7466/ & https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/7775/) are the origional, one and only developers of IE Tab. Want proof Google it for one using date reference, but here is some proof:

>origional mozdev site: http://ietab.mozdev.org/ (note the authors on the Members tab)
>origional repository site: http://www.mozdev.org/source/browse/ietab/downloads/?hideattic=0#dirlist

• IE Tab V2 (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab-2-ff-36) lays not claim to the above add-on. It has its own site ietab.net and its own source code site (http://code.google.com/p/ietabv2)

• IE Tab + (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab-plus) lays claim to Coral IE Tab by its linking reference in the description to http://coralietab.mozdev.org. Now the author of this one IE Tab pro is nowhere reflected in coralietab site. However the site does reference IE Tab+ as being a non SPYWARE where IE Tab Plus is SPYWARE. In the FAQ sheet it mentiones that both IE Tab Plus and IE Tab + are uploaded to the AMO by the same person. Obviously for IE Tab + does not reflect this. Now viewing the source code of https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/files/browse/127106/ does reflect quaful. So between the FAQ sheet and this siteS author is contradicting. So this leaves me sketchY in regards to this add-on.


Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích ( 

IE Tab + (FF 8+, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.6, 3.5, SeaMonkey)

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

To clarify everything up about IE Tab. extensions read the following:

NOTE: THER IS NO IE Tab 2 or a reference to a add-on as reviewer "RJ" mentions. Although I am assuming he ment IE Tab V2. (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab/reviews/328608/)

• IE Tab + (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab-plus) lays claim to Coral IE Tab by its linking reference in the description to http://coralietab.mozdev.org. Now the author of this one IE Tab pro is nowhere reflected in coralietab site. However the site does reference IE Tab+ as being a non SPYWARE where IE Tab Plus is SPYWARE. In the FAQ sheet it mentiones that both IE Tab Plus and IE Tab + are uploaded to the AMO by the same person. Obviously for IE Tab + does not reflect this. Now viewing the source code of https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/files/browse/127106/ does reflect quaful. So between the FAQ sheet and this sites author is contradicting. So this leaves me sketchy in regards to this add-on.

• IE Tab (THE ORIGIONAL IE TAB) by PCMan, yuoo2k (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/7466/ & https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/7775/), the one and only developers of IE Tab. Want proof Google it for one using date reference, but here is some proof:

>origional mozdev site: http://ietab.mozdev.org/ (note the authors on the Members tab)
>origional repository site: http://www.mozdev.org/source/browse/ietab/downloads/?hideattic=0#dirlist

• IE Tab V2 (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab-2-ff-36) lays not claim to the above add-on. It has its own site ietab.net and its own source code site (http://code.google.com/p/ietabv2)

• IE Tab Plus (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ie-tab-plus-ff-36) lays claim to Coral IE Tab and the Origional IE Tab. Unfortunately for them I can not find proof dating back 6 years ago like you will see with IE Tab by PCMan & yuoo2k via the source code history and even Googling it. Now this IE Tab Plus author "quaful" does appear to be the correct account holder and author which is reflective in Googling and his coralietab..mozdev.org site by viewing the source code history but it only goes back to 2009 matching the account holders account activation date. According to the FAQ sheet this once if still not today contains the SPYWARE "Window Shopper"


Clip to OneNote

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

4 out of 5 Why?:
This is definitely more effective than the print function to OneNote. However, I use OneNote docked allot and noticed that this extension does not recognize that and will open a new OneNote regardless if I have the option "Insert into current page..". So if you can get this extension to recognized a docked OneNote you will get the 5 start and I will come back and modify original review.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích ( 


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Simply the best reader so far..My only peeve now is the links when opening also ope into Readabilty mode or if mousing over present a Read it Later icon/button to click.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (2.1). 

Maximum AdBlock

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I am not seeing what is so great about it!
I actually find using AdBlock Plus just as easy and I have more control. What is the point of removing an add when there is still the ad box creating an eye sore? Why would I want to pay to have that completely removed when AdBlock Plus will do it for me?

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích ( 

Provider for Google Calendar

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

An additional feature that would be great is if this ext would handle webcal, ical, etc and send it to Thunderbird/Lightning or Sunbird or even via gCal

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (0.7). 

Lexiology.com Dictionary

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

You might just be better off using there actual add-on.

Extra Fasterfoxx

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Video needs work. 1st off you showed no way of telling which faster fox that was used and the text that popped up so fast I had to replay the video in increments.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (3.1.7). 


Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Well, out of curiosity and since I have not used BookmarkDD in a long while, I installed it and ran a check using it. Well to my surprise 308 duplicate bookmarks where found. Now, before I initiated the check I had all ready ran a full complete check using CheckPlaces. CheckPlaces came back clean. So I am slightly disappointed. It is apparent that CheckPlaces still needs some more work in duplication detection. Primarily BookmarkDD found duplicated bookmarks with javascript: in the url, basically bookmarklets (which I assume CheckPlaces does not detect). There where some others with urls starting with irc://, secondlife://, place:sort=, place:folder=, about:config, chrome://, items://, and about:blank. Now these are some of the links that where not detected by CheckPlaces:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/rss/-/2/hi/africa/8550614.stm (several links with similar extension)
http://www.odc.org/dewey/updates/numbers/lcsh/2006_40.htm (others like this with the numbers incrementing)

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (2.1.0). 


Rated 4 out of 5 stars

First off thanks for great extension! Nice touch with the Vacuuming. It makes more since that Checkplaces houses that feature. Does it also clean up the other db's? I primarily use speedyfox since it vacuums all the db's.

Now for the main part:
I dropped my rating down by one just for the fact I really enjoyed the Delete All But Last and Delete All But First. That was very hand. If I was importing an html file from somewhere and used just Delete all, it would do just that even if they where ones I had already had organized. If It was just a few bookmarks that would be one things then I can manually skim through the dupes and delete what was needed, but when there is hundreds/thousands, then Delete all but First/Last is great, because then I would just choose Last since it would delete all the more recent ones that where added, living my already organized bookmarks intact.

On, a feature I would love to see implemented is if someone is importing bookmarks, CheckPlaces, will check for duplicates and either automatically prevent dups being installed or notify you so you can specify overwrite/skip.

Another nice feature is a better solution to deleting folders. Is it possible when it checks that it first checks the deepest folder if its empty of bookmarks/etc. then moves up the tree until comes to a folder that not empty. When it finds that it then back tracks to the previously folder and delete it removing all other empty folders with in it?

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (2.1.0). 


Rated 4 out of 5 stars

First off thanks for great extension! Nice touch with the Vacuuming. It makes more since that Checkplaces houses that feature. Does it also clean up the other db's? I primarily use speedyfox since it vacuums all the db's.

Now for the main part:
I dropped my rating down by one just for the fact I really enjoyed the Delete All But Last and Delete All But First. That was very hand. If I was importing an html file from somewhere and used just Delete all, it would do just that even if they where ones I had already had organized. If It was just a few bookmarks that would be one things then I can manually skim through the dupes and delete what was needed, but when there is hundreds/thousands, then Delete all but First/Last is great, because then I would just choose Last since it would delete all the more recent ones that where added, living my already organized bookmarks intact.

On, a feature I would love to see implemented is if someone is importing bookmarks, CheckPlaces, will check for duplicates and either automatically prevent dups being installed or notify you so you can specify overwrite/skip.

Another nice feature is a better solution to deleting folders. Is it possible when it checks that it first checks the deepest folder if its empty of bookmarks/etc. then moves up the tree until comes to a folder that not empty. When it finds that it then back tracks to the previously folder and delete it removing all other empty folders with in it?

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (2.1.0). 


Rated 4 out of 5 stars

First off thanks for great extension! Nice touch with the Vacuuming. It makes more since that Checkplaces houses that feature. Does it also clean up the other db's? I primarily use speedyfox since it vacuums all the db's.

Now for the main part:
I dropped my rating down by one just for the fact I really enjoyed the Delete All But Last and Delete All But First. That was very hand. If I was importing an html file from somewhere and used just Delete all, it would do just that even if they where ones I had already had organized. If It was just a few bookmarks that would be one things then I can manually skim through the dupes and delete what was needed, but when there is hundreds/thousands, then Delete all but First/Last is great, because then I would just choose Last since it would delete all the more recent ones that where added, living my already organized bookmarks intact.

On, a feature I would love to see implemented is if someone is importing bookmarks, CheckPlaces, will check for duplicates and either automatically prevent dups being installed or notify you so you can specify overwrite/skip.

Another nice feature is a better solution to deleting folders. Is it possible when it checks that it first checks the deepest folder if its empty of bookmarks/etc. then moves up the tree until comes to a folder that not empty. When it finds that it then back tracks to the previously folder and delete it removing all other empty folders with in it?

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (2.1.0). 


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Excellent theme

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (1.3.1). 


Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Sorry to see this add-on no longer developed. It has allot of potential. I think if some how it created containers for the profile (like a truecrypt container) and when opening the profile it prompted for password. This would prevent the circumventing and accessing the profile to remove the extension. Of course this would mean that the add-on would not really be an add-on.


Rated 2 out of 5 stars

Its been over a year. I actually stopped using this add-on after some time. I commend the author for his efforts. Its definitely time to retire this add-on, unless the author could compete with Lastpass or Sxipper.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (1.3.2). 

Snap Links Plus with Checkboxes Extension

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

I am having issues with the check box functionality. I am unable to recreate the actions in the images above

Session Manager

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

EXCELLENT! When it comes to Managing Sessions, nothing stacks up! I think Session Manager should link up with Tree Style Tab with just a few hints of TMP.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích ( 


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

This add-on is excellent! A must have!
So contribute! I

f this Dev received a dollar for every download he would be $53,229 US Dollars richer.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (1.6.4).