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Про мене

Інформація для розробника
Ім'я siriuser623
Користувач з Березень 12, 2010
Кількість розроблених додатків 0 додатків
Середня оцінка додатків розробника Ще не оцінено

Мої відгуки

Enhanced Facebook

Оцінка 1 з 5 зірок

Another thing...How is this an enhancement when it actually takes away search options? Honestly, there is no point to this addon. at first I rated it a 3 because it did do what it said...but, after some time I have come to see that there is no uninstall and it's pointless.

Enhanced Facebook

Оцінка 1 з 5 зірок

Another thing...How is this an enhancement when it actually takes away search options? Honestly, there is no point to this addon. at first I rated ut a 3 because it did do what it said...but, after some time I have come to see that there is no uninstall and it's pointless.

Enhanced Facebook

Оцінка 3 з 5 зірок

How do you uninstall?