Classic Default versionshistorik

3 versioner

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Dessa versioner visas för referens och teständamål. Du bör alltid använda den senaste versionen av ett tillägg.

Version 0.8 871.0 KiB Fungerar med SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.9.*

Now compatible with the latest SeaMonkey.
The 'grayed out' menubar problem has been fixed.
I'll fix more problems and change some UI parts soon.

Version 0.7 819.0 KiB Fungerar med SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.1a1pre

Classic Default 0.7
* [New] Updated icons for the add-ons manager window
* [Fix] The infamous "Two-line Home Button" has been fixed.
* [Fix] A minor problem that sometimes causes bookmark icons to not display correctly has been fixed.
* + some minor (mostly visual) fixes.

Version 0.6 806.0 KiB Fungerar med SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.1a1pre