Diagnostics for Adblock Plus versionshistorik

3 versioner

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Dessa versioner visas för referens och teständamål. Du bör alltid använda den senaste versionen av ett tillägg.

Version 1.3.2 26.4 KiB Fungerar med Firefox 38.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.35 - *, Thunderbird 38.0 - 57.0

Fixed potential issues triggered by Diagnostics during browser startup.

Version 1.3.1 22.1 KiB Fungerar med Firefox 38.0 - 49.0, SeaMonkey 2.35 - 2.46, Thunderbird 38.0 - 49.0

This is a minor update, removing non-standard JavaScript syntax, which caused warnings in Firefox Aurora and Nightly builds.

Version 1.3 22.0 KiB Fungerar med Firefox 38.0 - 46.0, SeaMonkey 2.35 - 2.42, Thunderbird 38.0 - 46.0

* Updated to be compatible with Adblock Plus 2.7. Older Adblock Plus versions are not supported any more.
* The "ignore early returns" checkbox is gone — Diagnostics is no longer able to track low-level actions, so it generally cannot detect low-level calls that aren’t being forwarded to the upper level. However, there are relatively few such cases remaining in Adblock Plus now.
* The columns Context, Document and Additional have been removed as well — this kind of low-level context information is no longer available to Diagnostics (and neither to Adblock Plus when it is making decisions).
* The Request origin data has been extended. The tooltip will now show the entire frame hierarchy for a request, not only the location of the frame immediately responsible.
* The new Private column will indicate whether a request is associated with a private browsing window.
* The Type column will no longer attempt to localize the type, instead the internal type identifier will be displayed (corresponds with filter options).