Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Mozilla has once again upgraded XNote out of compatibility with version 78.0.

The developers of this extension have done amazing things in the past to update the extension to be compatible after it became obsolete for earlier versions.

Please be aware, there were database modifications that may prevent that from happening this time around, but I believe in the developers and will hope for a speedy solution so we can continue to use the best (only?) individual email note application left, which has served us well for years.

Thanks devs! Keep the ext! =:xB

Betygsatt 3 utav 5 stjärnor

I've been using Xnotes for years and was quite happy with it. As of lately Xnote started to mess up my button bars. Not showing up it's button's and removing other buttons from the menu bars. Tested this by disabeling XNotes. SInce i use some buttons more then XNotes i removed it from Thunderbird.

Betygsatt 1 utav 5 stjärnor

This add on does work not properly with my Thunderbird 68.5.0 (64-bit). You can install it, and it seems you can use it but when having written the Xnote and going to the next e-mail, the Xnote disappears. Additionally the button in Thunderbird is gone, only if you hit the right mouse button you will find the Xnote button.
Had to delete the app all together. Nice, all those new update, works very well!

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor

I have been using xnote for years. For me it is the best addition to TB, enabling me to quickly note and later sort the immediate email from the not so important.
ID'ing messages to use as references is much easier when x notes are attached.
I also would like to be able to paste a photo on it. Currently I put a reference on the xnote directing me to the file with the appropriate photo.

Betygsatt 1 utav 5 stjärnor

The idea of a sticky note is good and it is a feature which should be part of TB. After researching the many note products, I liked XNote best. I'm disappointed that it didn't install, especially after I spent quite some time reading about every product. I wish you can make it go soon. --- I tried not to rate it because I don't know how it works, but the system forces me to have an opinion. Sorry, therefore I gave it only one star.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Top-Tool for a long time. It was working till today. Now the icon and all notes in Thunderbird are gone. The notes are still in the folder, but not in Thunderbird anymore. I updated Thunderbird yesterday to version 14.0. Any idea, how to get xnote work again? Tnx:-)

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor

Dass es bei Thunderbird keine Wiedervorlage gibt, ist ständig Thema in den Foren etc. Ich wünsche mir auch eine, bin aber als reiner PC User nicht in der Lage, ein Addon o.ä. zu erstellen. Ein bisschen hilfreich ist da XNote ... wenn man weiß, dass man zum Auffinden seiner Notizen eine extra Spalte einblenden muss.

Betygsatt 1 utav 5 stjärnor

Sticky notes are one of the greatest ideas ever!- both on and offline! I use them all the time both on my desktop and on Firefox and surely there should be ones for TB too right? Well, this one can't even run on Tb 3.11! I rolled back from the very screwed up 5 and after doing an extensive add-on search it appears that much of the catalog simply has been abandoned. In the words of Dr. Mccoy kneeling over the dead redshirt ensign; "He's dead Jim!"

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Great Add-on!
I set the xnotes path to my dropbox folder, so it syncs with my other thunderbird installations.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor

I agree with DeeJayNYC's suggestion about the mouseover feature. Also, it doesn't appear that you can change the fonts at all. Specifically, you apparently cannot change the font color, which on my system displays as a white font on a yellow note, which as you can imagine, is nearly impossible to read, which makes the note pointless. I tested this and apparently the problem is caused by my theme, which is Pitch Dark. It works fine with the default theme, which is great and all, but I don't really like the default theme as it's too bright for my eyes, hence why I use Pitch Dark. If you could add the ability to change font colors that would be awesome!

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Muito prático!

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

waiting for thunderbird 3.1.9 update.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor

It would be WONDERFUL and VERY Useful to be able to read the first one or two lines of existing xnotes by simply mousing-over an xnote's icon. Such a feature would mean: No need to actually open an email message just to see the contents of a previously created xnote! What a Boon THAT would be. I'd pay for it!

Note: I've been using xnote for over a year, and the above is my ONLY complaint. XNote is very useful already, but I submit to you that the suggested change would make it GREAT! (It would be esp helpful for notes over a few months old.)

Betygsatt 3 utav 5 stjärnor

minor bug - doesn't appear in the addon list
modication request - note should appear when switching to a message.
Otherwise ok.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

It would be nice being able to search in the notes, e.g.: Give me all the messages throughout all folders where the XNote text contains the word "x-mas gift".

Betygsatt 1 utav 5 stjärnor

Yep, head on over to for the great TB3-compatible replacement (Thanks Lorenz!)

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Works great on Windows Server 2003 R2 using The TB 3 extension from I am using the xnote2.1.1B extension. Thanks for the fix!!!

Betygsatt 3 utav 5 stjärnor

Non è compatibile con TB 3, ho perso tutte le note inserite precedentemente.

Not compatible with TB3, I loosed previously inserted notes.

Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Now I updated to v3 and all my notes are invisible :-/

Please release an update for the newest Thunderbird version soon.

Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor

Please do official release for TB3.