Spirit Wolfe

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Ime Spirit Wolfe
Lokacija New England
Uporabnik od April 3, 2008
Število razvitih dodatkov 0 dodatkov
Povprečna ocena dodatkov tega razvijalca Še ni ocenjeno

Moje ocene


Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic

I have been a member of this community since I think before you became well known for your magnificent Themes. I have always wanted to try my hand in making Firefox Themes but my artistic side is a tad rusty (and I am not that patient...LOL [<^__^>] ) ... How do you get the animation so perfect? I must have viewed all and installed at least most of your animated themes over the past few years...and I never said Thank You from a not so verbose fan... keep up the great work. I especially like your Peanuts Themes...

Spirit Wolfe / Sawuwaya

Download Status Bar

Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic

I have been using this add-on ever since I stumbled upon it in this add-ons site, and ever since I could not stand having the download window pop-up appear right smack dab in the middle of where I was working with Firefox. You have outdone yourself as far as the pounding out the updates and adding feature-after-feature. Kudos to you (and your team?) !!!

The only thing that you need to do is add an Ignore List because I use a download accelerator application that handles all my ZIP files and Firefox will not allow that extension (the accelerator) to take over because it hits the Download Bar first before the accelerator's and thus it just saves the file in the current Fx download folder instead within my compressed files folder.

Please add an ignore list (I believe you had one in the initial version)...

Other than that GREAT JOB!


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FlashGot Mass Downloader

Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic

One of the best add ons to complement Download Accelerator Plus (or others like it) download manager. Helps you locate the files you want to download a lot faster than with the DAP program itself! Kudos and keep up the great work.

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OneLook (all dictionaries)

Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic

Great Add-On! I was looking for a Dictionary Search Engine that was better than the Webster Dictionary Search Engine that I currently have still installed. I whole-heartedly advise people to download and try this engine it is easily installable and does not require a reboot. Another great search engine for my arsenal...
Thanks, Jeremy for this contribution!