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Podatki za razvijalce
Ime lenzb
Uporabnik od Julij 21, 2008
Število razvitih dodatkov 0 dodatkov
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Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic

I use Keyfixer for my home/end keys only. The default version of Keyfixer does much more than the home and end keys and ends up changing the default OS X behavior of some key combinations (like skipping words with option-left/right). I prefer to have only the home/end keys modified, so I created a customized version of the addon to work with the home/end keys only (based off of the original Starry Hope keyfixer_firefox.app).

You can get this customized version (works only with Firefox 3.0 and above) here:


Ta ocena je za prejšnjo različico dodatka (0.4.2).