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Podatki za razvijalce
Ime agsteele
Lokacija UK
Uporabnik od Maj 17, 2016
Število razvitih dodatkov 0 dodatkov
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Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic

Users of this add-on will be pleased to know that a very similar add-on has been released which does the same thing but works with more recent releases of Thunderbird. Take a look at mathaens AddressBook in Tab.

Ta uporabnik ima prejšnjo oceno za ta dodatek.


Ocena 2 od 5 zvezdic

This was a great add-on but changes to the Thunderbird code mean it no longer works. Now, with the add-on enabled most of the address book data is not displayed and what does show is erratic and inconsistent. Given that the idea of an address book in a tab is so useful and intuitive I'm hoping it will be updated and reworked.