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Podatki za razvijalce
Ime AurelTristen
Uporabnik od Jan 19, 2009
Število razvitih dodatkov 1 tema
Povprečna ocena dodatkov tega razvijalca Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic

Malo bolj podrobno ...

I created the Three Wolf Moon Shirt persona for Firefox as a joke branched from the original meme on Amazon. Since then my one persona has received countless hilarious reviews by those who 'get it,' and even satisfied reviews from those who don't.

At the time of this writing, the persona is actively used by over 64 thousand users. I'm glad so many people have been able to appreciate it. ^_^

Dodatki, ki sem jih ustvaril

Three Wolf Moon Shirt

This three wolf moon shirt inspired persona will instantaneously change your life. If you use this persona while wearing the world renown Three Wolf Moon shirt, you might actually explode into a huge fireball of awesome.
The three wolf design is so ...

Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic (398)
102 uporabnika

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