Zgodovina različic QuickNote

20 različic

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Različica 0.7.6 233.9 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.46, Thunderbird 3.1 - 49.0

Bumped version for proper signing.

Različica 230.6 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 48.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.44.*, Thunderbird 3.1 - 47.*

On Linux fixed display of the Save button in the options window.

Različica 232.8 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 36.0, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.33, Thunderbird 3.1 - 36.0

Compatibility with Firefox 32. Added pt-BR locale.

Različica 225.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 33.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.30.*, Thunderbird 3.1 - 33.0

Added printing options

Različica 210.5 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 20.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.15a1, Thunderbird 3.1 - 18.0a1

Improved user experience Mac users.
Added cs, ko-KR, sv-SE locales.

Različica 167.6 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 16.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.13a1, Thunderbird 3.1 - 16.0a1

Localization support. Added 4 locales.

Različica 0.7.1-signed.1-signed 149.9 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 16.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.13a1, Thunderbird 3.1 - 16.0a1

This is major update. We totally rewrote code and added, changed many functions. Whats new:
- Compatibility with SeaMonkey
- Added two notes. Now QuickNote have 6 notes.
- Notes can be opened in the tabs
- Search function (just use Ctrl+F in the active note)
- QuickNote buttons are displayed in the toolbars by default
- QuickNote buttons can be moved to any bar (Firefox 4 and above)
- Preference for display/hide QuickNote ststusbar icon (Firefox 3.6, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey)
- Spell checking enabled/disabled in the context menu (default applications behavior)
- Preference for insert text on the top of note
- Preference for start QuickNote with application start and preference to enable/disable
- Clear button and preference for show/hide
- New Save button and preference for show/hide
- QuickNote item in the Firefox button and preference for show/hide
- QuickNote button in the notes bar and preference for show/hide
- QuickNote toolbar button and Ctrl+F7 shortcut opens/close notes
- Options for opens notes:

  • In the sidebar
  • In the floating window. Window can be:
    • Opens in the dependent mode (Note window will be displayed foreground all the time and closed together with application)
    • Closed with application
  • In the tab
- New context menus
- QuickNote not require restart for apply changes
- Rewrote options window interface
- New and improved icons compatible with application icons and more…

Različica 128.2 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 13.*, Thunderbird 3.1 - 16.0a1

Bumped to Firefox 5.0, and Thunderbird 5.0.
Fixed Linux, Mac save preferences.

Različica 119.5 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 4.0.*, Thunderbird 3.1 - 3.3a2

Added locales: Chinese, French, Greek, Italian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish.

Različica 82.5 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 4.0.*, Thunderbird 3.1 - 3.3a2

This is totally rewrote version. New in this version:
- options window layout
- spell checking with on/off option in options window
- sent to note from text boxes
- links to help and home page opens in the new tabs
- icons for buttons Save, and Save As…
Cleaned code

Različica 80.8 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.6 - 4.0.*, Thunderbird 3.1 - 3.3a2

A version compatible with Firefox 4.

Različica 82.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 3.5 - 3.6.*, Thunderbird 3.0 - 3.1.*

Update to make QN compatible with Firefox 3.6 and Thundebird 3.0. This is the same as the beta version (, slightly modified at the request of AMO editors.

This update introduces several incompatible changes:
a) dropped support for old applications (Mozilla Suite, Firefox pre 3.5, etc.) This version only supports Firefox 3.5+ and Thunderbird 3.
b) dropped support for opening QuickNote in a Firefox tab. This didn't work properly, at least with the "Send to QN" feature, and fixing it would require more of my time than I can spend.

Različica 77.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 1.5 - 3.5.*, Thunderbird 1.5 - 2.0.0.*

This version adds support for Thunderbird 2 and Firefox 3

Različica 71.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 1.5 - 2.0.0.*, Thunderbird 0.6 - 1.5.0.*

Različica 71.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 0.8 - 3.0a1, Thunderbird 0.6 - 3.0a1

Različica 71.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 0.8 - 1.0+, Thunderbird 0.6 - 1.0+

Različica 0.6 69.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 0.8 - 1.0, Thunderbird 0.6 - 0.8+

Različica 82.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 0.7 - 0.10, Thunderbird 0.5 - 0.7.1+

Različica 95.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 0.7 - 0.9, Thunderbird 0.5 - 0.7

Različica 0.5.9 93.0 KiB Deluje s Firefox 0.8 - 0.9