Zgodovina različic MyEja

4 različice

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Različica 0.6.24521.1webext 87.8 KiB

Različica 0.6.24521 78.7 KiB

Change addon type to "dictionary" (64)

Različica 0.6.2 78.0 KiB


1) Removed chrome directory
2) Removed chrome.manifest file
3) Removed iconURL and icon64URL declarations from install.rdf file.

Thanks to Leszek Życzkowski (the AMO editor) for the tips

Različica 0.6.1 89.0 KiB


1) install.js removed
2) icon.png is now in the base directory
3) icon64URL added
4) previous project's README.txt removed
5) rename files into hyphens instead of underscores

Thanks to Philip Chee for the head's up