Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

Расширение не работает, отсутвует возможность зайти в аккаунт, раньше до обновления такого не было

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

This add-on was replaced by "Gmail Manager-community": https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/gmail-manager-community/

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

Your fix doesn't work...I cannot log in my account

Ta uporabnik ima 3 prejšnje ocene za ta dodatek.

Ocena 4 od 5 zvezdic

Snippets fixed ->

Ta uporabnik ima prejšnjo oceno za ta dodatek.

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

Эта хрень уводит аккаунты

Ocena 5 od 5 zvezdic

I have used Gmail manager forever. Unfortunately, the original creator no longer updates it, as far as I can tell, so it has fallen by the wayside. It was the perfect GMail Add On. I have tried every other option for GMail and the all suck. None of them work like Manager did. I imagine that the changes Google kept (keeps) making to mail made it impossible to keep up anymore. It's a shame we have been left with no valid GMail add-on options.

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

не видит аккаунты

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

It simply doesn't work, won't even log me into my gmail account.

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

I have 3 Gmail accounts which I have tried to enter into the so-called GMail Manager, but the Add-on can't seem to remember any of them!!
The support site is blank! The Mozilla forum has lots of similar reports of this not working. This seems to be an abandoned Add-On!!!
I don't understand why Mozilla lists this as TOP RATED!!!

Ocena 2 od 5 zvezdic

It simply does not save settings, so I can't tell whether this addon is of any good.

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

Постоянно появляется окно с вводом пароль/логин. Созданный аккаунт сразу удаляется.
Расширение не работает !!!

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

This was once the best, lightweight, efficient extension for gmail. As of FF33 it is useless.

Ocena 3 od 5 zvezdic

Seems that since I upgraded to FF33, Gmail Manager doesn't recognize my gmail account at all, like if it was gone, but it works fine from gmail.com so its not my account, maybe something got messed up between FF30 and FF33

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

My Googleaccount is not be found. So it is useless!

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

This add on does not work.

Ocena 2 od 5 zvezdic

Should be looking at forked addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/gmail-manager-ng/ that is a bit more maintained ; fix for FF32 in GitHub issue: https://github.com/nedwidek/firefox-gmail-manager-ng/issues/47#issuecomment-54694514

Ocena 3 od 5 zvezdic

It was working fine until I updated to Firefox 32. Both of accounts' data are gone and I when I enter my details again, it doesn't login despite correct information.

Ta uporabnik ima prejšnjo oceno za ta dodatek.

Ocena 3 od 5 zvezdic

For those saying it doesn't work, it's because it was designed to show in the addon/status bar and they removed the addon/status bar in Firefox 29/30ish. I installed Status-4-Evar and it shows up, you might also try some other extensions that re-add the addon/status bar. I also have "The Addon Bar (restored)" but I installed Status-4-Evar first so it's showing up there I think.

Although I am having problems with it lately, It's showing the error icons, I'm not sure if something else is logging me out or what. I have to click logout all accounts and then relogin for it to work, but then it shows an error the next time it checks, so it's like it's not staying logged in. It probably doesn't help that I have multiple accounts.

I love that it shows me the subject lines of the most recent messages when I hover over it, I wish other notifiers would do that instead of just the number of unread messages.

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

Esto NO funciona, pero... existe Gmail manager NG que si lo hace muy bien.

Ocena 1 od 5 zvezdic

doesn`t work! please, update