Zgodovina različic Classic Default

3 različice

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Različica 0.8 871.0 KiB Deluje s SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.9.*

Now compatible with the latest SeaMonkey.
The 'grayed out' menubar problem has been fixed.
I'll fix more problems and change some UI parts soon.

Različica 0.7 819.0 KiB Deluje s SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.1a1pre

Classic Default 0.7
* [New] Updated icons for the add-ons manager window
* [Fix] The infamous "Two-line Home Button" has been fixed.
* [Fix] A minor problem that sometimes causes bookmark icons to not display correctly has been fixed.
* + some minor (mostly visual) fixes.

Različica 0.6 806.0 KiB Deluje s SeaMonkey 2.0b1pre - 2.1a1pre