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Under TB3, and IMAP will be developed?

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... to use the glacially slow Spamato!

As others have mentioned, it also seizes command of the whole CPU while it mulls over whether an email is spam or not. It gets the job done in the end, but then so paint eventually dries.


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how do I mark spam-messages as read by default? TB 2 annoys me with the "unread"-flag every time a spam-message hits my inboxes...

otherwise great piece of work

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I loved this extension for its intelligence when still on TB 2.
now the spam mails are driving me up the wall.
soooooo, when is the version for TB 3.0 coming?

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Works so well that I am loath to upgrade to TB 3 unless I can take Spamato along too.
Unlike some of the other reviewers I have never experienced any memory problems, and I find Spamato's detection to be far more accurate than any other antispam.
Remember that if you don't like the way Spamato does something (for example the sound), you can change it on the configuration page. You can also add trusted or non-trusted domains to improve the accuracy.

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not able to use in thunderbird 3

Ohodnotené 5 z 5 hviezdičiek

can anyone port it for Thunderbird 3.x?


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Lento: demora demais para decidir se uma mensagem é spam.

Consome recursos em excesso: o Thunderbirdc como um todo fica lento, o clamdrib começa a dar time-outs

Desaparece com suas mensagens: quando você marca uma mensagem como boa ("ham") ela simplesmente desaparece. É, a mensagem some do sistema, você não consegue achá-la em lugar nenhum, nem mesmo na lixeira.

A pasta "spamato" é um saco: Mesmo quando você desabilita a função de mover as mensagens para a pasta SPAMATO, ao marcar manualmente uma mensagem como spam, ela é movida para essa pasta.

Minha sugestão: parem de tentar reinventar a roda. Vão a www.spamihilator.com e aprendam como se faz um filtro antispam leve e que elimina mais de 98% do spam.

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Used to work on Eudora 8 but not anymore.

Can you fix it or are there any other spam add-ons that work with Eudora 8?

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Functioned well for day or so, then it started listing my regular email friends as spam, killing their messages to the spamato file, from which they disappeared when trying to put them back to my inbox.

That is only for the ones I caught...

Several others I missed seeing come in, and they are 'gone'...

Never had the problem before.

Ohodnotené 1 z 5 hviezdičiek

Confusing for the sake of being cute.

The spam vs. ham and
'revoke ham' vs. 'report spam' is just infuriating.

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I want to add I think this is a dangerous add on. After a fresh re install of Java and this add on, it immediately tried to access the site in China and an executable identified by Symantec and others as containing a virus. Emails to the program's authors went unanswered.

I believe this add on should be pulled off the Mozilla.org web site until these questions can be answered.

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I installed this program and when I launched TBird, Spamato said it could not find Java. I pointed it to the right location and _immediately_ my Kaspersky AntiVirus began blocking multiple attempts to access a website at qvodonline.cn and a file: qvod.exe, which apparently contains a virus and a trojan.

Here was an example of one of the 150 messages I received from Kaspersky:

2/25/2009 6:56:00 AM Detected: qvodonline.cn*qvod.exe* Java(TM) Platform SE binary http:///search?q=link%3Awww.hp.com Databases

I immediately removed Spamato, and uninstalled Java just to be safe. Think I'll wait until I'm sure this is a safe add on.

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I can see how well this addon works, however, like others, I have found it to be a huge memory hog and slower than molasses to operate. Having use Java as the hook is a truly bad idea in terms of efficiency. When my computer slows to a crawl because of one plugin, it's time to bail!

Sorry guys; nice try, but no cigar for me.

Ohodnotené 3 z 5 hviezdičiek

If you have IMAP mail, skip this addon. It will only work if you enable offline use for each mailbox. This sounds fine, but TB only downloads the message when it is opened, not when the header is displayed. This means that spam is not detected until the message is open [lame].

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This addon keeps on running, even after you've processed your inbox, and uses as many cpu cycles as are available. I had to kill off the process so that I could do work on my computer. (My job is something other than processing spam.)

The other problem is that it goes through ALL your email in all your folders. I spent a lot of effort to categorize my email by putting messages in specific folders. Spamato undid that, moving most of my old email into the Junk folder (false negatives, if you count spam as a negative). I then had to go through all my moved email and recategorize manually.

Ohodnotené 1 z 5 hviezdičiek

All but 2 of the messages detected as spam and moved were NOT spam.

Ohodnotené 1 z 5 hviezdičiek

This add -on is no good. If you get spam mail that's over 100 KB it ignores it.
Alright if you don't get spam from China or Taiwan.

Ohodnotené 3 z 5 hviezdičiek

Nice plugin, but would let me write a custom file path to the Java executable, insisted on using drive letters, with destroys the whole cross-system compatibility thing I am trying to create... As by the time I have re-written the paths to point to JAVA on my linux box, the spam is already through...

Ohodnotené 3 z 5 hviezdičiek

I would like to give Spamato 5/5, I was getting a silly amount of spam so added this, very few false positives and plenty in the spam folder. So far I have over 3000 spam messgaes and only a couple of these were real and wrongly labeled spam.
The major problem I am having is the stupid sound that plays everytime you get spam, I know you can turn it off in the config but when I try this it still plays the sound, I've even tried to get it playing a different sound form my system but no luck!
I really don't want to have to remove this but I will have to with this insane song playing repeatedly when I open Thunder. Why on earth have this at all??