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ZavrieťRecenzia doplnku Master Password+ od Mark
Ohodnotené 4 z 5 hviezdičiek
should update my review:found function "hide promts for x min" really nice. but clicking cancel should enable it automaticaly.But even like that really usefull, preventing many disturbances.
Táto recenzia je pre predchádzajúcu verziu doplnku (1.14.1-signed). Tento používateľ má ďalšie recenzie tohto doplnku.Sorry, but I disagree. Cancel should never enable anything, cancel is cancel...
It might not obvious, but if you check the "hide prompts for xx" checkbox and hit "ok" button, it will activate temporary prompts suppression regardless on if entered MP is correct or not or even if nothing was entered.
Ak chcete vytvárať svoje vlastné kolekcie, musíte mať zriadený účet Mozilla Add-ons.
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