História verzií DeepL翻訳

10 verzií

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Tieto verzie sú zobrazené na ukážku a testovacie účely. Vždy by ste mali používať najnovšiu verziu tohto doplnku.

Verzia 1.8.0 63.1 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 128.0 - 128.*

Verzia 1.7.0 17.0 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 128.0 - 128.*

Verzia 1.6.2 16.4 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 68.0 - 115.*

Verzia 1.6.0 15.9 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 68.0 - 115.*

Verzia 1.5.0 14.6 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 68.0 - *

Shortcut keys now work in windows other than the main window (e.g. new mail compose window).

Verzia 1.3.0 14.4 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 68.0 - *

Fixes: Dealing with specification changes on DeepL.
Added languages: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Greek, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Latvian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, and Swedish.

Verzia 1.2.1 13.9 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 68.0 - *

Added French locale. Thanks to DenBar for contribution.

Verzia 1.2.0 13.1 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 68.0 - *

Added keyboard shortcut. Ctrl+T now opens DeepL.
Added options to specify the language of the source and target texts.

Verzia 1.1.0 24.1 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 68.0 a vyššie

Added options page.
DeepL can now be opened in a new window.

Verzia 1.0.0 10.5 KiB Funguje s Thunderbird 68.0 a vyššie

First release