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GProxy Tool Требуется перезапуск

GProxy lets you set and clear GPass local proxy in Firefox and Thunderbird, and do more.

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1 пользователь

Filter SubFolders Требуется перезапуск

Applies mail filters to sub folders of an IMAP account, not just the Inbox

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0 пользователей

Message List Preview

*Show a message preview in the subject field of the message list.
*Enlarge the subject column to display more text of the preview.
*Hover over subject to see even more preview in a tooltip.
*'Stripe' display of message list for clearer view.

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random(signature) Требуется перезапуск

Updates a given signature file in regular intervals.

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1 пользователь

BccInfo Требуется перезапуск

Send any additional information to your BCC recipient.

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Just Restart! Требуется перезапуск

Restart application with Ctrl+Shift+Z.

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6 пользователей

Message Filters Button Требуется перезапуск

Just a very simple add-on that adds a toolbar button to execute the "Run Filters on Message" from Tools menu.

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8 пользователей

Custom Geometry Требуется перезапуск

Resizes and positions the Firefox window according to your settings.

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Audio Preview

Adds a preview for audio files (wav, ..) to the message view, so it can be played directly.

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Preslovar Требуется перезапуск

Ћирилично/латинично пресловљавање, виртуална ћирилична тастатура - Serbian Cyrillic/Latin transliteration and Virtual Cyrillic keyboard

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TorBirdy Требуется перезапуск

This extension configures Thunderbird to make connections over the Tor anonymity network.

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20 пользователей

ThunderCal Требуется перезапуск

ThunderCal simply gives you a toolbar button that you can use to run Google Calendar inside Thunderbird. Inspired by the ThunderWave add-on.

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15 пользователей

BirdFon Требуется перезапуск

BirdFon, a lightweight and elegant phone plugin, makes Thunderbird a speaking friend in your online life. With BirdFon you can call your friends in a way similar to the SkypeOut service. The major BirdFon advantage is that it allows you to make...

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Inbox Cleaner of expired Emails Требуется перезапуск

Moves expired Emails out of your Inbox!

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Single Domain

Warns if you send mail from or to a specified domain. If there are multiple accounts in your profile, you can isolate one so that you can't send mail to that domain from outside or vis versa without warning.

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96 пользователей

Personas Shuffler

Change your Personas theme on each browser load.

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2 пользователя

Edit As New Требуется перезапуск

Adds "Edit As New" toolbar button to the main...

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82 пользователя

Nokia Synchronization Требуется перезапуск

Synchronize Thunderbird and Nokia phone...

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Gnome Open Требуется перезапуск

Open your mail attachments directly with your default gnome application.

Is Gnome Open still needed? Please read "Developer Comments" below.

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0 пользователей

Copiar Assunto Требуется перезапуск

Adiciona um botão para copiar o Assunto do email selecionado para a área de transferência

Add a button to copy the Subject line of the selected email to the clipboard

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