Другие темы в разделе Природа


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Ещё от этого художника

Barbados.org - Barbados Colors

автор Barbados.org

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Love this but then I'm a little partial as I have a Grivet monkey who is my seizure monkey and my companion. I believe this is a Grivet monkey, not a green monkey due to the pattern of hair around the face which is how you differentiate between vervets, greens and grivets. When I bought my monkey I was informed she was a vervet but when she grew up enough for her face 'feathers' to grow in it was VERY obvious she was a grivet. Do you have a grivet? The photo you used is from Google Images as I use the same one at times as a joke due to the red eyes since my little girl has a temper and when she gets mad she doesn't bite but she will grab your clothing in her teeth and shake the stuffing out of you! Hard to be scared of a 3lb monkey!
I love the way you used the photo and the background.
Thanks for sharing your theme, I LOVE IT!

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд от TheOO7Doc Март 19, 2015

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