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Nume shil67
Utilizator din Sept. 13, 2014
Numărul de suplimente dezvoltate 0 suplimente
Media evaluărilor suplimentelor dezvoltatorului Neevaluat încă

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Autism Awareness_2

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

My son is 19 years old now, he has Autism and I have tried since he was diagnosed to hep others become aware of Autism but still since he was diagnosed in my opinion...and that is only my opinion...I don't think we are any closer to finding a cause or a cure, but like I said, just my opinion. Remember, no matter who you are....everyone should become aware in the communities as a whole...and only then will we come together to defeat it.

Jesus is the Lord

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

So True...Praise his HOLY name!!!