
Despre mine

Informații dezvoltator
Nume Mooore
Utilizator din Oct. 21, 2008
Numărul de suplimente dezvoltate 0 suplimente
Media evaluărilor suplimentelor dezvoltatorului Neevaluat încă

Recenziile mele

Translation Panel

Evaluată cu 3 din 5 stele

interesting but sometimes i get confused

MozTrans Interlecta Translator

Evaluată cu 4 din 5 stele

I agree that informing the user is important but since it is still experimental, not full version, I believe they will make it paid in the future and provide personal accounts and e-mail newsletter subscription. Thus the user will be informed for changes. Another way is to check for updates manually and frequently since it is a very good free service!

Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (0.1.5). 

MozTrans Interlecta Translator

Evaluată cu 4 din 5 stele

I agree that informing the user is important but since it is still experimental, not full version, I believe they will make it paid in the future and provide personal accounts and e-mail newsletter subscription. Thus the user will be informed for changes. Another way is to check for updates manually and frequently since it is a very good free service!

Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (0.1.5). 

MozTrans Interlecta Translator

Evaluată cu 3 din 5 stele

I was looking for something else but I found this. I downloaded it because it is new. Up till now I have been using the google translator and it usually gives me good results. Is this better?

Această recenzie este pentru o versiune anterioară a suplimentului (0.1.0).