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Nume astroasis
Utilizator din Mai 13, 2009
Numărul de suplimente dezvoltate 0 suplimente
Media evaluărilor suplimentelor dezvoltatorului Neevaluat încă

Recenziile mele

Hard Wood

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Beautiful wood pattern. Nice, rich color.

Hello Kitty - Pink Hearts

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Subtle colors and a pleasant design. Looks great! Icons/text can still be easily seen against it, too.

Purple Sparkles

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Dark, but not too dark. A very pleasant color and the stars are pretty without being too cluttered. Looks good!


Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Simple & Elegant. A very subtle design that works well with the Firefox interface.

My Pink Heart

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Stylish and vibrantly colored, without being cluttered. Image is clear and icons/text can be seen easily against it. Nice work!

Chi Sweet Home - Uh Oh

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele


Hello Kitty and two frogs

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Image is sharp and clear. This looks good, even on a smaller resolution. One of the few HK personas I like! Nice work :)

Chi Sweet Home - Staring

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele


Chi Sweet Home - Playing

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Very cute! Love the color and simple image :)

Chi Sweet Home - Shock

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Very cute. Most anime personas make the mistake of being too cluttered or busy to actually use. This one works well, because of the solid color and simple image.

Longing for spring

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Very pretty design that doesn't look cluttered. Icons and text can be easily seen. Looks good even on a smaller screen.

Colorful Fractal

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Colorful, without being too busy. Icons and text can be easily seen and the image is sharp and clear. Looks great, even on a smaller resolution.

Victorian 002

Evaluată cu 5 din 5 stele

Beautiful color and appealing design. The font and icons are still easily seen and the image itself is sharp and clear. Nice work!