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This used to be the best BBCode extension. And if you install FF Developer you can see it still works perfectly.

Please update the version number and sign this!

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

I've been using an old, outdated version of this addon for a long time, and now with Firefox 48, it won't let it run because it's "not compatible". (When it worked perfectly fie with compatibility overriding enabled in FF 47.)

Any chance of bumping up the version number?

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Интересное расширение, только — Недоступно для Firefox 42.0, очень жаль

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

Отличное расширение. Мне нравится. Только изредка нужно его обновлять.

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

Шкода що цей інтересний додаток недоступний для Mozilla Firefox на Android пристрої.

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Thanks to steveWeblin, now I can use it again for Firefox 16. Really need it for blogging. :)

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Have updated addin to 28 https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B_CE2l4Osa3SdnpvaGxlQnQ5OGM/edit?usp=sharing

Este utilizador tem 2 revisões anteriores deste extra.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Great Add-On, Please Update!

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

Is there planned an update by the Owner? I loved to use it and an update would be really great!

Thanks in advance!

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

It’s still works on Firefox 10.0.1, but you need to edit the file "extensions\{AE37D527-6604-461c-8102-975CF8053A2F}\install.rdf" (path to this extension).
Tags to edit are <em:version>, <em:maxVersion>, where the numbers must be higher than the current version.

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

Update please!!!

Este utilizador tem uma revisão anterior deste extra.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

I had almost given up hope on this excellent add-on, as the author didn't seem to have any interest in updating it. You don't know how grateful we all are now that someone has risen up and updated this add-on. Many thanks to you steveWeblin, 3x cheers for you !

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

First off, Sudowudo - thank you ever so much for updating this extension!

BBCode is an essential addition to Firefox. It allows the user to quickly and effortlessly format text they are posting to a discussion board (using bbcode option) or writing simple HTML (using HTML option) for any purpose, such as advertising something for sale on Craigslist. It's a simple matter of selecting the text you want to format, right clicking and choosing the format you want to apply. This is a 5 star extension.

Format [b]some[/b] bbcode for bold.
Format <b>some</b> HTML for bold.

You can also copy the location of a picture (jpg, gif, etc.) and then right click and choose the clipboard options to post a picture in your message.

Here the word Links is hyperlinked:
You can also post [url=https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bbcode/reviews/add]links[/url]
Or in HTML it is like this for the word links:
You can also post <a href="https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/bbcode/reviews/add">links</a> in this manner.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Updated to work with Firefox 6, I set the max version to v9 so should be good for a few more versions.

This is such a popular extension I cant understand why it hasn't been kept officially supported.

Este utilizador tem uma revisão anterior deste extra.

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For the idl0t Grandpa Pete, who is not known that such with the program 7-zip, Hamster Free ZIP Archiver, FreeArc, etc.
The link on working .xpi on firefox 5!
Duplicate this link to the comments!!!

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

Many thanks Piluze but how about a Fx 5.0 BBCode update in xpi format as before? Present update is an rar file which apparently can't be unbundled using Windows or any available freeware utility!

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Support Firefox 5.*

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Thanks Sudowudo!!!

Este utilizador tem uma revisão anterior deste extra.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Thank you very much for updating. This plugin is essential. Greetings

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

Updated to work with Firefox 4.0: