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FecharAnálises para Link Properties Plus
17 análises para este extra
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
link_properties_plus_we-0.1a2.xpi is working great.
Please release it AMO.
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
Одно из САМЫХ ПОЛЕЗНЕЙШИХ дополнений!
Будет на webextension???
ОЧЕНЬ бы хотелось!
Версия на WebExtenions в разработке:
Но из-за ограничений API функциональность у нее будет меньше.
Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas
thank you for this extension. Could you please make a webextension?
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
should be in any „serious” browser by default
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
This extension works well. The screenshots explain the functionality.
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
Весьма полезное дополнение.
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
Very useful, thanks
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra ( com 5 de 5 estrelas
10 stars !!! A big thank you.
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra ( com 5 de 5 estrelas
Infocatcher, большущее Вам спасибо!
Отличное дополнение!!!
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
Simply integrate what must be integrated in firefox by default.
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra ( com 5 de 5 estrelas
Really really valuable add-on. I need it and I've got it :) Works very wonderfully too...I just installed and wrote a very excited review for another add-on that may be an earlier version of this called 'Extended link properties +'. Not the same as in your link above. This one has same icon and same look as your present one, but only one tab in options panel. and the ominous word "(obsolete)" after title on add-ons page.
Also a different developer name. So I disabled that one when I found and installed yours. Since that one is said to be no longer in development, I extend all kudos and gratitude written there to you and this present and updated and currently maintained version.
See "Developer’s Comments" for Extended Link Properties +:
Extended Link Properties + is a bit modified version of my old (unofficial) fork (based on version 1.4.0):
(was changed only extension ID and localization)
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
Не знаю, зачем оно мне нужно, но это круто.
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra ( com 5 de 5 estrelas
Follow up on my previous review.
For those of you that have a problem with opening pdf files in TB when this extension is installed, the author's suggestion of creating a boolean variable in about: cofig named "" (without the quotes ""), when set to "True", solves the problem.
If the variable is set to "False", when attempting to open a pdf file, both the pdf opening dialogue screen and TB hang will continue to hang as previously reported.
I'm now happy to up the rating to 5 stars, and am very pleased that this extension, unlike the original extension, supports TB.
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
Very good, glad to have this functionality and back... and even better I finally found a addon that actually tries to show you the total file size of a file before you save it..
Anyway I have a problem.. when I clikc on a download link, it opens a new tab.. it closes it, but some reason I'm getting 2 save dialogs show up for just 1 click on a download link...
some way to fix this.. not sure if its caused by some other plugin.. tabmixplus? how to fix or can you fix it
Can't reproduce.
Some special Tab Mix Plus settings (or other extensions)?
And what you mean? Click on some "downloadable" link -> Opening ... dialog -> check Save File radiobutton -> Ok or you use "Save link as… (Ctrl+S)" button on Link properties dialog?
Anyway please provide detailed description here:
Information from about:support page and exported Tab Mix Plus settings may help me to fix this.
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
Форк это хорошо
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior do extra ( com 5 de 5 estrelas
Very nice work, thanks a lot.
Like already stated, old 'Extended Link Properties' revived, different child, same aims, done better even IMO.
Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas
A similar functionality once was removed from the browser (in the Age of Idiocy, that Firefox suffered much from). And that's why Extended Link Properties appeared (and it got very popular, just as a proof that Mozilla's management took a wrong decision to remove that functionality from the browser).
I don't know the reasons why that add-on was disabled on AMO, but it is very nice, that it has now been revived and is being developed!
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