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It *was* working fine in Pale Moon, but now it seems that someone at google/youtube is getting his jollies by toggling the break it/unbreak it button. Right now, it's not working. Hopefully it won't be *too* long before it starts working again.

I wish they'd stop with the @#$%#$% controlfreak nonsense.

Este utilizador tem 2 revisões anteriores deste extra.

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

I'd like to see some options to customize the zones (i.e. change default actions for them). For example, it would be nice to be able to control the video playback speed using one of them. Otherwise it seems like a pretty solid addon. Haven't really burned it in yet to check for bugs and whatnot.

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

Doesn't work at all in fullscreen. Only scrubs no volume etc

Here it works perfectly.

Have you used the specific fullscreen button?

In the istructions:
"The only drawback is in FULLSCREEN mode:
****** you MUST NOT use the normal button (on the bottomright of player) ****** to set fullscreen,
BUT the specific button you find under the video's title: "FULL WHEEL"
To exit fullscreen you must scroll the wheel over the fullscreen's icon on the bottom-right"

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Firefox 43.01
Video Mouse Wheel 1.6.6

1. Audio Control, Error

2.. https://adblockplus.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=24444


on and after
Video Screen Outside
wheel Up/Down

Este utilizador tem uma revisão anterior deste extra.

Avaliado com 3 de 5 estrelas

Thanks for the nice plugin!

Please provide options for turning features on/off. I only use volume control, but often the videos jump forward / backward instead. I would like to be able to disable the FF/FB functionality.

Also, I would like the option for setting a default volume change step, without the need to use modifier keys.

It's also unclear what those aLev, vMin, vMid labels refer to. More descriptive names would be appreciated.

I'd be nice to have the option to remove the plugin's GUI from Youtube pages (move it to Firefox options / plugin icon), because I have a dark Youtube theme installed, and the grey rectangle under the videos looks out of place.

UPDATE. Thanks for the response. I'll have to edit your plugin's source code then, if you don't mind, because it is unusable to me in its current state.

Consider what will happen in the following scenarios:

A person

* listens to music on YT while reading news in other tabs.
* scrolls up in the YT tab after reading comments, but his mouse enters the video area.
* uses a custom YT theme, but now sees a grey-in-your-face rectangle in the middle of the page.

Will such people enjoy using the addon and, if not, how can it be fixed?

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Thank you Denzer.
aLev, vMin etc are well described in the instructions, instead in the page I keeped them short because when the page is resized the controls will remain in 2 lines.
aLev= audioLevel step, is just for what you want: you can set here the default step to increase/decrease the audio.
Anyway, in a future upgrade, I will add tooltips info at them.

The options can't be moved all, because it must be always there at least the button Full Wheel. Even AutoPlay/AutoPause are very useful to make fast change from a page to another, so they should remain there. Maybe I could change the background color.

For the audio/FF problem, if you want to be always sure, go around the topright corner, you can't be wrong: it will only change the audio, maybe it's only to get used to.

In version 1.6.6, I put a "x" button in the topright of the menu, to hidden/show the menu, as you asked for YT themes.

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

"This add-on is not compatible with your version of Firefox".

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Normally it works well.
I just tested on 38.0.1 W7.

Only *sometime*, when there are a lot of tabs opened, it may happen to not pause, maybe because FF slows down with the mem, but this seems a FF problem, not my addon one, as normally it works well.
Another known problem is when you launch a YouTube page from the bookmarks with CTRL pressed: even in this case, only *sometimes* it doesn't pause on background, but that's a problem of Youtube+FF javascript handling the page "document.hasFocus()" property: I can't solve this at the moment. YT sometimes responds the page is "true", in Focus, even if it's not...

If you still have the background tab problem, be more specific, as to reproduce the problem, so I can give more help: are you using Flash or HTML5, open new tabs from a YouTube page with ctrl, how many tabs opened, etc

Anyway, of all the features of this addon, for only one not perfectly working only in your environment, you give a 2 star rating?? Not fair, please reconsider it!

1) The only thing I can suggest you: create a new FF profile and then install only this addon and see if it works. I suspect it could be some other addon or greasemonkey script interfering.
Aslo, obviously, check the checkbox relative to AutoPause is on.
2) I've not tried vk.com, but as it's impossible to adapt the code for every site, I inserted the option to deactivate the addon on embedded videos, so check out the relative checkbox and you will not have any other problem with that.
Another important thing is to use an addon that blocks the ads in YouTube videos: my addon can't block the ad at the beginning, so the video remains in play! I suggest the good adblock plus.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Cool extension.
When there is full screen advertisement, it will not work. If you can fix that, will be really great.

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Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

amazing auto pause video ((when you leave tab)) and sound control with wheel mouse in hover ((middle up video))

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