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need to search with autocompletion recipient from your addressbook google

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Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

I'm using the latest Mozilla browser and this works just fine. Thank you developer!

You're welcome :D

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

I don't understand why some people rush to comment without reading what the addon does. I personally love the addon and see it working exactly as described.

@Looris, the addon isn't supposed to do what you mentioned. No need to rate the addon if you don't understand how it is supposed to work. Your vote does count while your opinion is erroneous.

Thank you seosmarty :)

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

I don't know (or care) about the other features, but clicking the mailto: links just doesn't work and opens the default email client.

You must know if your Firefox Navigator have some configuration about that before you install this Search Machine. This add-on is so easy that what you say cannot be done by (G)mailto.

The "mailto:" link isn't used by "(G)mailto:" please read the add-on description. This feature let you send gmails directly with the compose form of gmail on a tab using a Search Machine.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

This is a great idea. Thanks for posting it on here.

Thank you!
Now we can create new mails like an offline mail client ^^, I like to make easy this work.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

This is a great idea. Thanks for posting it on here.

Avaliado com 4 de 5 estrelas

I was a bit dubious on this one until I tried it. Its a bit goofy but could be very useful. It gives you a drop-down in the search box in which you can type a recipients address, then opens your Gmail account with a message ready to type into and send to that address. It could save a lot of time if you work on line refrequently.

Thank you!. I'll take your description to (G)mail because my english isn't very good. Enjoy it! :D

Avaliado com 1 de 5 estrelas

I cannot understand what this add-on is supposed to do. No offense, but the English is half-coherent, such that I can't discern whether this add-on is for Thunderbird or for Firefox, much less what it does.

Avaliado com 5 de 5 estrelas

Ideal para mandar mandar mails rápidamente.