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FecharAnálises de xSidebar
13 análises desta extensão
Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas
Avaliado em 4 de 5 estrelas
very good
Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas
Is there a SeaMonkey style sidebar for Firefox?
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Perfect! Just what I was looking for!
Congratulations, Mr. Chee!
SeaMonkey is by far the best Browser & Email client and this add-on completes it. Now the only add-on I am still looking for is a bookmarks synchronization tool that includes all major browsers (Seamonkey, IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera). I also would prefer to be able to close each tab separately without having to right click on it or using the menu (little cross for closing on each tab would be nice) as the closing cross on the right side only closes the last opened tab.
Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas
What is it? I read. I installed. See nothing on my Seamonkey!
Avaliado em 1 de 5 estrelas
Does not work in the Composer window of Seamonkey.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
THE best add-on for SeaMonkey ever!
All the modified add-ons are fantastic too, thank you Mr Chee, I would give it more stars if I could.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Solo its not a nice extension, but in combo with some mod-extensions its the best one ever made.
Firefox its not in my opinion the best browser, there are a lot of bugs, its slow, etc... The good thing of FF its the extensions database =D
SeaMonkey have the same quality but its REALLY more stable, then bring the FF extensions to SM rocks ;D
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
i can't understand which why all users like the firefox that much. netscape 7.1 was in my thinking the best browser which we ever had have - too just this time (01/2010). all the nice coloured buttons instead of easy pull-down-menues will bring the sea-monkey at last on a place where fire-fox allready is and where netscape 10 also was when it was selled to AOL. My only one question is: Why? - For what??
Avaliado em 3 de 5 estrelas
she is doesn't work for seamonkey2pre
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (1.0.5).Avaliado em 2 de 5 estrelas
Если мне понадобится интерфейс Firefox, я просто буду использовать его, а не SeaMonkey. Не вижу смысла в этом дополнении.
If I need to interface Firefox, I'm just going to use it, not SeaMonkey. I see no sense in this addon.
Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Seamonkey is a wonderful thing. xSidebar-- though, we might assume, decidedly not essential to Seamonkey, as suggested in another review-- it does allow for the installation of many other "addons" [AMO] in the 1.1 branch, which is a very nice enhancement. Seamonkey 2, however, does not depend upon xSidebar nearly as much for its compatibility with so many community developed extensions. The latest Seamonkey 2 is really getting so close to being what could be the first truly complete internet suite [albeit, still pre-release, as of this posting]: its usability seems to have made a big jump from even a few weeks ago-- very well done, considering the community driven development appears to be /truly/ community driven.
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (1.0.5).Avaliado em 5 de 5 estrelas
Never use SeaMonkey without it
Esta análise é para uma versão anterior da extensão (1.0.4).Para criar as suas próprias coleções, você deve ter uma conta no Mozilla Add-ons.