Witamy na witrynie Dodatki dla programu SeaMonkey.
Dodaj dodatkowe funkcje i motywy, by dostosować program SeaMonkey do swoich potrzeb.
O mnie
Nazwa | tipar |
Użytkownik od | Wrz. 16, 2010 |
Liczba utworzonych dodatków | 0 dodatki |
Średnia ocena dodatków autora | Brak ocen |
Moje opinie
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It is very simple and useful if you want that feature on your Mozilla. Just add an extra button on the turn off menu as on the third image, not intrusive at all as other that after installing create buttons on the toolbar, etc. Big thanks to the developer.
Download Status Bar
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It is ok, customizable but at the end you have a Download Manager Default Mozilla a little advanced but nothing new or really outstanding besides I like to use my full screen for my explorer and the big bar it is taking some space down there even if I can disable it I will not use it beacuse then what is the point of the add-on?
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I mean, not in speed but on "easieness" you just click on uplug and it shows a popup then you choose the video to download or open it in VLAN and even change the name beofre start to downloading. Awesome.
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You just add it to Mozilla and it start working. The first time I installed I did not find it though.
Ta opinia jest o wcześniejszej wersji dodatku (1.0.1-signed.1-signed).Buscador FilmAffinity
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Junto a Context Search es el complemento indispensable. Selecciona el texto click derecho buscar en FIlmAffinity y te abre la página de resultados de búsqueda de la página.
Ten użytkownik wystawił dla tego dodatku także inną opinię.Foobar Controls
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I like it because the buttom are really small and it has been keep simple, as Foobar2k. Besides, the interface it is quite similar to that of FB2k and you can choose which buttoms do you want. I am using FB v1.3.10.
Subscene search
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Parece que funciona. Aunque en español parece qu hay pocos.
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Realicé una búsqueda y no salió live channel, pero funciona perfectamente en español.
Google traductor: Auto » Español
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Te redirecciona al google traductor, pensaba que no era así; por eso le pongo un cuatro. En princio del francés y del inglés va perfecto.
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