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UnMHT 8.3.2
Autor: arai_a
UnMHT pozwala na przeglądanie plików MHT (MHTML), będących formatem archiwum stron internetowych, i zapisywanie całych stron internetowych, włącznie z ich treścią i umieszczonymi nań grafikami, do pojedynczego pliku MHT.
Więcej o tym dodatku
UnMHT provides following features:
- Save webpage as MHT file.
- Insert URL of the webpage and date you saved into saved MHT file.
- Save multiple tabs as MHT files at once.
- Save multiple tabs into a single MHT file.
- Save webpage by single click into prespecified directory with Quick Save feature.
- Convert HTML files and directory which contains files used by the HTML into MHT file.
- View the MHT file saved by UnMHT, IE, PowerPoint, etc.
In Thunderbird, only saving webpage as MHT is supported.
Please do not post bug report as review, you cannot get any support here.
UnMHT is not compatible with e10s.