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Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save 5.2.1 Wymagane ponowne uruchomienie
Autor: Christopher Ottley, Paolo Amadini
Otwiera i zapisuje całe strony internetowe w jednym pliku. Obsługuje pliki MHTML (MHT) z Internet Explorera i archiwa MAF bazujące na systemie archiwizacji ZIP.
Więcej o tym dodatku
The ability to save web pages as MAFF or MHTML is disabled by default in Firefox. While this functionality can be enabled again from the options, the Save Page WE add-on can also be installed alongside the Mozilla Archive Format add-on to save complete web pages in a single HTML file. Pages saved in this way will be compatible with future versions of Firefox. More details can be found on the official website.
After September 5, 2018, most installations of Firefox ESR will be updated automatically to a new version that does not support the Mozilla Archive Format add-on, and it will not be possible to open or save MAFF and MHT files anymore.