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ZamknijTelify 1.3.6 Wymagane ponowne uruchomienie
Autor: michael-koch4096589
Converts telephone numbers into clickable links for use with CTI applications, SIP clients, Skype, Netmeeting, snom phones, the AGFEO TK-Suite Client and SerVonic IXI-PCS.
Więcej o tym dodatku
The country code can be selected or changed in a gui dialog.
The phone number is passed to the registered system protocol handler. The link scheme which is used can be chosen from four possible schemes:
• the generic tel scheme (see rfc2806) used by CTI applications and some SIP clients
• the callto scheme used by Netmeeting
• the skype scheme used by Skype
• the sip scheme used by SIP-Clients
• the phone scheme used by SerVonic IXI-PCS
Additionally a custom URL for CTI applications can be defined. The Add-on already contains templates for snom phones and the AGFEO TK-Suite Client.
Click here for a short documentation about the operation and the configuration of the Add-on.
Please note that Skype will not work with phone numbers which lack a country code. This also applies to phone numbers of your own country.
The French localization was kindly provided by Alain Momboisse.
The Russian localization was kindly provided by Сергей Селезнёв.