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Tuenti Share Vereist herstart

Comparte en Tuenti la web que veas al instante. Haz clic derecho sobre la web en cuestión y pulsa Compartir en Tuenti

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Autoplay Toggle NonRestartless Vereist herstart

This extension performs the same function as Autoplay Toggle, but as a legacy overlay extension. This should work in cases where Autoplay Toggle doesn't. SeaMonkey and Pale Moon are supported.

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WebRTC Permissions UI Toggle Vereist herstart

A toolbar button for SeaMonkey to bypass the missing WebRTC permissions dialog and temporarily allow media capture.

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66 gebruikers

Google+ Share for SeaMonkey Vereist herstart

Share a URL in Google+ directly from SeaMonkey

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Pic Zoom Vereist herstart

Zoom in and out of any image on a page

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ImageBlock for seamonkey Vereist herstart

Updated version of imageblock by Hemant Vats to work with seamonkey 2.29.
Provides a fast way to disable images in web pages that's usually set by the image manager sub-menu.

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