
내 정보

개발자 정보
이름 vanciful
사는 곳 Puyallup, Washington, USA
직업 Retail, Cashier
가입한 날짜 11월 24, 2012
개발한 부가 기능 수 테마 2개
이 개발자의 부가 기능의 평균 별점 5점중 5점 받음

좀 더 자세하게 말해볼까요...

Hi everyone!
I love having a creative outlet. Making themes is a fun and easy way for me to do this.
My fractal images are all done on UltraFractal, and I find this a great way to do my themes.
Occasionally I will use different draw programs, including Serif DrawPlus X6, Corel Painter Essentials 4, Sumo Paint, and occasionally Microsoft Paint. I edit all my images on Serif PhotoPlus X3 before submitting them.

My personal bio: I am a 55 yo widow, and have been living on my own since my husband passed away in early 2005. I work graveyard shift at a major retail store. I enjoy spending time with family and friends, playing with my computer, and taking time for other crafty endeavors.

I hope you enjoy my themes! -- Blessings!

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