5점중 1점 받음

Don´t working anymore :( FF 55.2.2

5점중 1점 받음

This add-on does not work anymore.

5점중 1점 받음

Right click on the link -> there you have a new actions "Open link in IE Tab +" and "View page in IE Tab +" but both doing NOTHING. Simple this add-on is useless

5점중 2점 받음

This add-on breaks my ability to refresh the page (e.g. with Ctyrl-R or Shift-Ctrl-R). This alone is reason to switch to something else.

5점중 2점 받음


5점중 3점 받음

" add bookmark" doesn't function in FF 41.0 when this add-on is enabled. I disabled this add-on. Waiting for the update...

5점중 4점 받음

The "add bookmark" option doesn't function if this addon is activated. Please correct it.

5점중 1점 받음

it doesn't work

5점중 2점 받음

There is an error in the Firefox plugin 34.0 does not work it needs to be updated

5점중 4점 받음

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I used the original IE Tab+ back in 2008, and it was good, but not this good. If I can remember correctly, that version did weird things when it came to saving your history properly (either not at all, or it saved a weird jumbled link). After using Google Chrome for a few years (their IE tab extension was sub par to say the least, and Chrome seemed to render most of my pages just fine), I recently switched back to using Firefox, and when I heard that IE Tab had fallen into disrepair, I was a little upset and skeptical that this extension had modernized with Firefox and IE, especially since it's been a year since it was last updated. However, I was taken completely by surprise. It still works, and it's great. It integrates history properly, and it loads the pages with Internet Explorer directly in Firefox, just as if I'm browsing the web normally.

I use Outlook.com and OneDrive frequently, and those sites just feel clunky on Firefox's native Gecko engine.
Frankly, over the years I feel Firefox is sort of lagging behind Google Chrome and Internet Explorer in its rendering technology. This extension lets me browse those sites with the same reliability I get on IE. I wish Firefox stepped up Gecko to match Blink and Trident when it comes to speed and website load times, but this will do for now, and it's great so far on Firefox 34.

I only have two complaints:
1) I wish the extension used the native Favicon for the website instead of replacing it with an IE logo. This is only a minor, purely aesthetic, complaint, and it does not affect functionality at all.
2) Firefox addons don't load in an IETab. It would be awesome to use addons like LastPass and AdBlock directly in an IETab, but that may just be a limitation of Firefox itself and not the addon.

Otherwise, great job!

5점중 5점 받음

Funktioniert ohne Probleme. Allerdings muss der Kompatibilitätsmodus ab Seamonkey 2.23 abgeschaltet werden.

5점중 1점 받음

There is an error in the Firefox plugin 32.0 :-(

5점중 2점 받음

it doesn't work,why?

5점중 1점 받음

What? Another IE tab?
Phew, this one doesn't work!

5점중 1점 받음

No funciona correctamente en windows 8.1

5점중 1점 받음

it doesn't work

5점중 2점 받음

This add-on is decent, but it has been abandoned. Use Fire IE instead, it seams Fire IE has picked up from where IE Tab + left off. Probably, Fire IE developper got IE Tab + source and enchanced it dramatically.

5점중 1점 받음

not working on windows 8 with IE 10

5점중 5점 받음

Sadly this add on has been abandoned but hopefully someone will take the time to pick it back up very soon

5점중 5점 받음

I would honestly struggle in my day to day life if i did not have this tool. 1 click and i can see how my stunning website looks in the monster browser