Info Eccellio

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이름 Info Eccellio
가입한 날짜 6월 4, 2009
개발한 부가 기능 수 부가 기능 5개
이 개발자의 부가 기능의 평균 별점 5점중 5점 받음

좀 더 자세하게 말해볼까요...

Eccellio is an Internet company founded in 2008 that has is focus on improving end user experience in retrieving information on the net. Eccellio is a Search Engine that uses Google power and brings a cool new feature, named "Faceted Classification", that easily allows finding exactly what you are looking for on the net.

End users don’t need to learn a complex syntax to execute searches.

Eccellio can be defined as Google++ or Google simplicity with one additional single-click.

제작한 부가 기능

Eccellio Web - Search Engine

Eccellio Web is a faceting Search Engine based on Google. Eccellio is a collection of specialized Search Engines focused on different topics, like Science, Movies, Arts and Sports.

It's Google simplicity with one additional single click.

5점중 5점 받음 (20)
주간 다운로드 49회

Eccellio Science - Search Engine

Eccellio Science is fully dedicated to students and researchers that want to obtain fresh results and are very focused on Science matters. Not just Wikipedia as it often happen, but accredited and specialized websites. Enjoy Eccellio Science!

5점중 5점 받음 (28)
주간 다운로드 47회

Eccellio Arts - Search Engine

Eccellio Arts is the newcomer in the Eccellio family. Eccellio Arts helps you find everything about the charming world of Arts, like Antiques, Crafts, Design, Digital Art, Performing Arts, Photography, Writing and so on. Enjoy Eccellio Arts!

5점중 5점 받음 (4)
주간 다운로드 8회

Eccellio Movies - Search Engine

Eccellio Movies helps you find everything about the fabulous world of Cinema, from glamorous Actor and Actress, Awards, Criticism, Directors, Film Festivals, Home Video, Memorabilia, Reviews, Soundtrack, Theaters and so on. Enjoy Eccellio Movies!

5점중 5점 받음 (12)
주간 다운로드 5회

Eccellio Sports - Search Engine

Eccellio Sports is the newcomer in the Eccellio family. Eccellio Sports helps you find everything about the exciting world of Sports, like Baseball, Basketball, Football, Golf, Hockey, Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball and so on. Enjoy Eccellio Sports!

5점중 5점 받음 (4)
주간 다운로드 2회

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