더 많은 자연 테마

Candy Daisys

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Weighty mr

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Howling Wolf

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모든 자연 테마 보기

이 아티스트의 다른 작품

Turquoise-Peach Gradient

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하루 1명의 사용자

Soft Purple Yellow Gradient

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Superman Power

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아티스트별 모든 테마 보기


Relaxing color, enough texture to keep it from being boring without being at all distracting. The tabs, labels, and icons are crisp and easily readable, and the live tab is readily distinguishable. All pluses in my book. I am at my computer a lot, do not care for minimalist look, and have a lot of tabs open at a time, working from one to another. This is the kind of design that is made for people like me.

5점중 5점 받음 작성: Firefox user eb8ca1, 날짜: 12월 19, 2017

이 부가 기능의 검토 1개 모두 보기

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