タイトル | rsjtdrjgfuzkfg |
ユーザー登録日 | 2月 3, 2010 |
開発したアドオンの数 | 6 個のアドオン |
この開発者のアドオンの平均評価 | 5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています |
LightningButton 要再起動
Toolbar-Buttons for Lightning; advances the feature to get rid of the tabbar.
Ignore Aero 要再起動
Ignore Aero on Windows 7 and Vista, restore the look and feel of Thunderbird 3!
Minimize on Close
Causes Thunderbird's main window to minimize instead of closing. You can still close Thunderbird through the menu.
Disable "You"
5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています
Only opportunity to deal with many eMail addresses without getting headaches; Thanks author!
5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています
Simple to use. One of the AddOns using the possibility to connect mail (Thunderbird) and calendar (Lightning). Great!
Only thing missing for me is the opportunity to add alarms and set a type.
It would be great if in future Versions there is a possibility to set a type and alarm for all birthday-events.
5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています
Gives the possibility to manage events and tasks, combined with the possibility to expend this feature through AddOns, to combine mailing with the calendar feature.
Must-have for all people using Thunderbird regularly!
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