5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

*Review Update*

The developer responded quickly explaining the reasoning behind the permissions requested with detail.

Thanks for informing me about how these addons work, and for your contribution to the platform and providing open source code to verify your authenticity.
The software works perfectly and helps me with my work as well.
ご迷惑をお掛けしてすみませんでした。 どうもありがとうございます!!

Have full, unrestricted access to thunderbird, and your computer???

I've never even seen an addon ask for such unfettered access.
Why in the world would your software need that?
No one should ever allow anyone those kinds of privileges. Do not under any circumstances install an addon that asks for that.
Please fix.

A blog below explains it clearly.


This add-on also uses WebExtension Experiments and will be notified of Case 2 full access requests.

This add-on does not do or need full access. But it uses a conventional mechanism that allows full access. And such add-ons always generate such warnings.

You say you have never seen such add-ons, but there are still many such add-ons.

This add-on is also open source code. If in doubt, look into it.

If you don't want to do that either, you can of course choose not to use it.

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています


Thunderbirdの [設定] → [最近の履歴を消去(H)] を開く

これは以前のバージョン (1.5.0) についてのレビューです。  このユーザーはこのアドオンについて 過去に 1 件のレビュー を書いています。


5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

Works great!!
Is there any way to include in the options or in a new addons, the new version of DeepL write?
This would complete the pack

これは以前のバージョン (1.5.0) についてのレビューです。 

5 つ星中 4つの評価を受けています

This add-on is nearly perfect: it misses an option to open only a minimum, unobstructive modal, say 250 x 100 pixels, possibly responsive to the translated text. It should only contain the translated text, at maximum the text and the from>to languages as a visual confirmation of the setting.

In any case, thanks for it!

これは以前のバージョン (1.5.0) についてのレビューです。 

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

You can redefine the application shortcuts in Addon Manager - Manage Extension Shortcuts (last menu item)

これは以前のバージョン (1.5.0) についてのレビューです。 

Thank you for the useful information!

5 つ星中 2つの評価を受けています

I can use this with an English version of tb but in the German version, there's a conflict... CTRL T is allocated to a different operation - need to be able to change the deepl shortcut

これは以前のバージョン (1.3.0) についてのレビューです。 

I see.. That's a problem. I'll think about it.

In Version 1.5.0, it also works with Ctrl+Shift+X.

5 つ星中 2つの評価を受けています

Выделяю текст, выбираю в контекстном меню "Перевести с DeepL", открывается новая закладка, в которой видно, что выделенный текст передается по ссылке. На самой закладке остается только чистое полу, текста для перевода нет. В данном варианте расширение бесполезно - скопировать текст в буфер и перевести его я могу и через браузер

これは以前のバージョン (1.2.1) についてのレビューです。 

Thanks for the review. Version 1.3.0, which fixes the issues, is now available. Please try it.

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

genauso wollte ich es haben, einfach

これは以前のバージョン (1.2.1) についてのレビューです。 

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

Love it! DeepL is my favourite translator as I'm learning German and communicating with German speakers. And I especially like how this extension keeps the same tab without opening a new tab for each new translation, it keeps things much more organized.

Great job and thank you so much for developing this! I finally don't have to switch apps back and forth to understand emails in a foreign language!

これは以前のバージョン (1.2.1) についてのレビューです。 

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

Exactly what I was looking for: simple, efficient, no frills. DeepL is a very good translation site. Thank you very much.
As improvements, I would see the opening of the translation in a pop-up window instead of a new tab, the reverse translation, the ability to copy the translated text and a keyboard shortcut.

これは以前のバージョン (1.0.0) についてのレビューです。 

Thanks for the review. Your requests have not all been fulfilled yet, but the popup window feature has been implemented in 1.1.0, so please try it out.

5 つ星中 1つの評価を受けています

I use Thunderbird verse 68.12.1.
On received messages where I mark text and then click on DeepL in the context menu, nothing happens.
When creating a message, Deepl does not appear in the context menu at all.
This addon does not work for me.

これは以前のバージョン (1.0.0) についてのレビューです。 

Thanks for the report. I'm not sure what causes this, but it seems to be caused by the version of Thunderbird. In that case, please restart Thunderbird once.

5 つ星中 5つの評価を受けています

Works for me as expected. Note restarting thunderbird was required for it to work for me. The context menu did nothing until I restarted.

これは以前のバージョン (1.0.0) についてのレビューです。 

Your report was very useful. Thank you.