Assegnate 1 su 5 stelle

I have used tab-counter for around 4 years. It is a tiny install and has always worked perfectly. From that stand-point, I give it 5 stars. However, when Firefox 4 was released, it took Gryllida quite some time to update tab-counter. Furthermore, since Firefox 29 was released, tab-counter has not worked at all because there is no status-bar or Add-on bar any longer. So, on those two counts, tab-counter gets 1 star.

Gryllida, please update tab-counter so that it isn't hard-coded to appear where it always has, but rather can be placed anywhere other "toolbar" icons can be. Perhaps, you might want to release the new update as tab-counter 2.0 or v2 for those running Firefox 29+, but keep the old version (0.2.4) for anyone running Firefox versions 1-28, since 0.2.4 worked perfectly.

Gryllida, thank you for your Add-on and for an update!

Assegnate 5 su 5 stelle

I really enjoy this Add-on and use it all the time. Great work, Gryllida. Please update this to be compatible with Firefox 4.x! Thank you in advance.

Questa recensione riguarda una versione precedente (0.2) del componente aggiuntivo.